Get Involved

Featured Events

Learn more about our featured events held annually, like International Education Week and the Photo Contest.

Global Engagement Opportunities

two people chatting in a library

Opportunities for building cultural connections on campus and in the community, including I-House, iPAL program, and GEO Coffee Hours.

Student Groups

students kneel on the grass together at the international festival

Learn more about the International Student Association (ISA) and other multicultural and internationally-focused student groups.

Study Abroad
Returnees & Alumni

Recently back from studying abroad? Learn how your international experience can help you achieve your career and academic goals, find new opportunities to travel abroad, and meet other returning students. 

Faculty & Scholars

 Learn about funding for international initiatives, international travel policies, how to invite or host a scholar, lead a group abroad, initiate an international partnership, and find other resources for faculty and staff.

Support Global Engagement

a student dressed in blue, standing in the center of College Avenue and making a "heart" symbol with her hands

Your support benefits these three areas of need:

Study Abroad • International Students • Faculty-led programs

A gift of any amount will make an immediate impact for our students, faculty and staff.

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