International Travel Policies & Procedures

All international travelers must complete the following steps in compliance with the UNCG Travel Policy

  • Review the International Travel Checklist.  
  • Register your travel using the Travel Registry button below no later than four (4) weeks prior to departure.  
  • Consult the list of Approved/Unapproved Destinations below to determine whether your travel plans require a petition to the University-Affiliated International Travel Committee. 
  • If traveling with students but the program offers no credit, submit a Group Travel Application no later than sixteen (16) weeks before departure. 
  • If you are planning to lead a group of students abroad on a credit-bearing program (faculty-led program), you need to follow the guidelines for developing a UNCG Faculty-Led Program. Please be mindful that these programs require significant lead time to plan, recruit, and deliver (typically 15 -18 months in advance of travel). 

Email [email protected] with any questions. 

This list is updated regularly and as circumstances warrant. Local conditions may also make travel nonviable in certain instances. These designations are subject to change without notice. Click here to view the list of approved/unapproved destinations.  Please note this list is not exhaustive.  Contact GEO for travel to any countries not listed. 

This is informed by professional risk rating sources, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Levels and Drum-Cussac Country Security Profiles (available through GeoBlue, the UNC System’s international health insurance provider). 


High Risk Destinations do not fall within an acceptable level of risk for University-affiliated travel. Travel to these locations requires approval of a petition to the International Travel Committee. 

Moderate Risk Destinations may pose health and safety risks that require closer consideration of the travel particulars. Travel with UNCG students to Moderate Risk Destinations requires approval from the International Travel Committee. Individual faculty travel to Moderate Risk Destinations (not involving students) does not require additional approvals beyond the steps required for all international travel. 

Lower Risk Destinations do not require additional approvals beyond the steps required for all international travel. 

  • During normal business hours (8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST), call +1.336.334.5404 to reach the Global Engagement Office. 
  • After hours, call +1.336.334.4444 to reach University Police. Mention that you are traveling abroad and they will get in touch with a GEO staff member.
resources available to help you prepare for emergencies

As you begin your preparations for travel, there are a range of resources available to help you prepare for emergencies should they happen:

When you register your UNCG-affiliated travel, you will be enrolled in GeoBlue International Health Insurance. The policy is managed by the University of North Carolina System and enrollment is coordinated by the Global Engagement Office.

In an emergency: 
  • Seek medical care first. 
  • Contact GeoBlue at the soonest available opportunity to help with care management. 
  • Alert the International Programs Center about the traveler’s emergency. 

GeoBlue provides global coverage for medical assistance, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

For immediate assistance: 

Inside the US, call 1.800.268.2686 

Outside the US, call +1.610.263.2847 


For non-emergency medical care: 

Contact GeoBlue first for access to vetted medical providers in your area. GeoBlue can coordinate an appointment and typically prevent any need for out of pocket expense. If a GeoBlue contracted doctor is not available, they can provide information about other doctors available.  

The insurance coverage and benefits are described in the brochure GeoBlue Student Member Guide. Customer service and claim support is available through the GeoBlue app, online, or by email at [email protected].  


UNCG requires that all faculty, staff, and students participating on University-affiliated international travel be enrolled in the University’s international health insurance plan, GeoBlue. Faculty and staff insurance coverage will be paid on their behalf by the Global Engagement Office (GEO) for the duration of their University-affiliated travel. 

Students traveling on University-affiliated international group programs will either have their insurance covered by the sponsoring department or billed to their student accounts individually for the duration of their University-affiliated travel. 


Individuals who want to extend their coverage at their own cost and to incorporate personal travel before or after their University-affiliated travel should review the GeoBlue Enrollment Extension Instructions. 

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