
Winter Semester: classes held from mid-October to mid-February (exams may extend two weeks beyond end of classes)
Summer Semester: classes held from mid-April to late July (exams may extend two weeks beyond end of classes) 

The main language of instruction at the University of Tübingen is German. The university is, however, constantly increasing the number of courses taught in English: Please see the list of English taught classes (available roughly 2 months before the start of the semester) or contact the applicable academic advisor

In general, courses are open to exchange students with the following exceptions: 

• Human Medicine is restricted for exchange students coming to Tübingen through a university‐wide agreement and students need to be fluent in German. 

• The Faculty of Science needs a Learning Agreement/study plan and a transcript of the student for the pre‐approval of courses. 

• Biology on M.Sc. level is only available for students whose major at their home university is biology or a closely related study field. 

For more information on taking courses as an exchange student, please see this site: You can also search all courses in German and in English through the online course handbook (ALMA):  

The Foreign Language and Intercultural Programs Department offers German language and culture classes. Students can only take a maximum of three courses at the ‘German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Programs’ Division, 

Students should have German proficiency at the B2 level if they wish to take courses with German as the language of instruction. Both law studies and ethnology (BA level) require proof of B1-B2 level German proficiency for all exchange students.  

The student dormitories are not administered by the University, but by the so‐called “Studierendenwerk”, the Student Services Organization, which is not affiliated with the University. 

However, the University of Tübingen has a yearly quota of rooms that are reserved solely for exchange students. More info: Accommodation

Please see for details of the dormitories the overview of residence halls by the Studierendenwerk. 

All rooms for exchange students are fully furnished single rooms with shared kitchen and usually shared bathrooms. 

The university strongly recommends that students opt for student housing because of the difficult and expensive private housing market in Tübingen. 

Students can apply for housing online directly on the website of the Studierendenwerk. Contracts will be available for the whole semester only. There is a deposit of 600€ due upon arrival. 

Tübingen Marketplace
Tübingen Marketplace, Copyright: Verkehrsverein Tübingen, Foto: Barbara Honner
Tuebingen Neckar River
Neckar River, credit: Verkehrsverein Tübingen, Foto: Barbara Honner
Tübingen Evening Marketplace
Tübingen Evening Marketplace, credit: DZT, Foto: Francesco Carovillano
Derek Holmgren
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