Application Information

for Outbound North Carolina Students

Application deadlines

For fall semester and full year: March 1* 

For Spring Semester: October 15*

*Please note: Your home university application deadline may be earlier. Please work with the study abroad coordinator at your home university.

German Academic Calendar Dates

Most BW Schools 

Fall: October to March 
Spring (“Summer”): April to August 

University of Mannheim 

Fall: Early August to Late December 
Spring: Early February to mid-June 


The BW/NC Exchange Program is open to any full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a UNC System institution who is in good academic standing (at least a 2.75 GPA). Remaining in good academic standing will also be a requirement for placement and participation. No knowledge of German is required for participation in the program. Universities in Baden-Württemberg offer a wide range of courses with English as the language of instruction. Applicants wishing to take courses with German as the language of instruction must have completed the equivalent of two years of college level foreign-language instruction. 


Selection for BW/NC will be based on the applicant’s maturity, academic background, appropriateness of the candidate’s reasons for studying abroad, ability to adapt to a new culture, and the soundness of the proposed study plan. 

Submission of Application and Deadline 

Your first step should be to speak with a study abroad advisor at your home institution and follow their instructions for submitting your application through your home institution’s study abroad office. Return the completed application to your home university’s study abroad office by their internal deadline, which is usually several weeks before the posted BW/NC deadline on this website. 


You will receive acceptance information directly from your host university. News of acceptance will not come from UNCG. Please follow all instructions from your host university campus when you receive news of acceptance. If you have questions, please contact your study abroad advisor at your home university. 

Please submit materials to your home campus Study Abroad office in the following order:

  1. Application (submitted by your home campus’ application deadline) 
  2. BW/NC Application Fee of $150.00. 
    • This non-refundable application fee is for all UNC System students studying on BW/NC programs. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.  
  3. Application Nomination Page 
    • This form is to be completed by the student and coordinator. 
  4. Personal Data Processing Acknowledgement and Consent Agreement (this form is to be completed by the student). 
  5. Study Plan Forms for all institutions in first to third choice order. 
    • It is important that you provide complete details about what you want to study. We suggest that you list more courses than you intend to take so there is some flexibility in your final program. (This form must be typed.) 
  6. Academic Reference Form(s) 
    • You must check with your home university’s Study Abroad Office for their reference requirements. Although the BW/NC Program no longer requires academic references for students applying to study in Baden-Württemberg, Study Abroad Offices at different UNC System universities may still require them as a general policy. Applicants must meet any requirements set by their home university’s Study Abroad Office.
  7. Language Proficiency Report for the Language of Instruction (if applicable) 
    • This report is required for applicants planning to pursue coursework in German. Please give the form to an appropriate faculty member who will conduct your language evaluation. This form should be returned directly to your home university’s BW/NC Campus Coordinator to be submitted with your hard copy application. 
  8. Statement of Purpose. If you intend to take classes with German as the language of instruction, you must submit your statement of purpose in both English and German 
    • Write a short essay (about 500 words) introducing yourself and presenting your reasons for wanting to participate in an exchange. Use this essay to tell us about your strengths and special interests that may not be evident in other materials you have submitted. Do not include specific references to your justifications for wanting to study at a particular university as your letter may be shared will all your study site locations. Creativity is encouraged. 
  9. Scanned copy of the credential page of your passport or driver’s license if passport is not yet available. 
  10. Official transcript of all the courses that you have taken at the university level (including past colleges/universities). 
    • BW/NC Program 
      Global Engagement Office 
      The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 
      207 Foust Building 
      PO Box 26170 
      Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 

for Incoming Students from BW

Application deadlines

Fall, Spring, and Full Year Due: mid-January. Consult the study abroad advisor on your campus. 

Deadline for Submission of Application: Return the completed application to your home university International Office by their internal deadline, which is usually several weeks before the deadline posted on the BW/NC website. 

Please note: Our office must receive your application from the program coordinator in Baden-Württemberg. We cannot accept application documents directly from students. 

US Academic Calendar Dates

Fall: mid-August to December 

Spring: January to early May 

Please submit your materials in the following order:

  1. Application form
  2. Applicant nomination 
    • This form is to be completed by you (the student) and your home university International Advisor 
  3. Study Plan Form (one for each institution you have listed) 
    • Please note: Before completing these study plan forms make sure to research all of the UNC System campuses that you find interesting. Discuss your proposed academic program for each institution you have listed with your professors and academic advisors. 
    • We suggest that you list more courses than you intend to take so there is flexibility in your final program. 
  4. Academic Reference Forms (only required for graduate-level exchange applications) 
    • Applicants for graduate-level exchange must submit two academic reference forms; no reference forms are required for undergraduate-level exchange applications. Complete the first section of each Academic Reference form. Your instructors should follow the instructions on the form and return the form directly to your home campus’ International Office. 
  5. Official Language Proficiency Test Scores 
    • Applicants must submit the official results of an English proficiency test. All UNC System universities accept TOEFL iBT scores, and minimum score requirements vary by university. Some UNC System universities accept other tests, such as IELTS or the Duolingo English Test (DET). To avoid the situation of needing to take multiple tests to satisfy different universities’ requirements, students are encouraged to take the TOEFL iBT. 
  6. Statement of Purpose in English 
    • Prepare a short essay (about 300 words) introducing yourself and presenting your reasons for wanting to participate in our exchange program. Use this essay to tell us about your strengths and special interests that may not be evident in your other materials submitted. Do not include specific references to or justifications for wanting to study at a particular university. Creativity is encouraged. 
  7. Photocopy of the credentials page of your passport (or National ID if passport not yet obtained)  
  8. Academic records of all the courses that you have taken at the university level (including previous higher education institutions) 
Please follow instructions from your study abroad advisor at your home university for submitting your application. Do not email your application directly to the BW/NC program. The coordinator in Baden-Württemberg will collect and submit all applications to the North Carolina coordinator. 

Nomination: Once the BW/NC coordinator has received your application, they will work with incoming exchange advisors to nominate you to a university in the UNC System. Once nominated, the host university will contact you with information about submitting necessary documentation in their application. You must submit all documentation by their application deadline (in some cases, as early as March 1). 

Acceptance: Acceptance information will be sent to you (the student) directly from your UNC host campus. News of acceptance will not come from BW/NC; it will come directly from the host university campus where you will be studying. Please follow all instructions from your host university campus once you have received confirmation of acceptance. 

Orientation: Orientation sessions for incoming international exchange students will be coordinated by your host campus. Each campus holds its own orientation, and details may vary by campus. Please check with your host university for details once you have received confirmation of your acceptance. An additional pre-departure orientation may be held by the coordinator for the Baden-Württemberg side of the exchange. 

Derek Holmgren
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