
Winter Semester: mid-October to mid-February (exams held 1 to 8 weeks later)
Summer Semester: mid-April to late July (exams held 1 to 8 weeks later) 

Under “Extended search for events”, you can choose all courses taught in a certain language, for example in German or English. If the courses of the next semester are not available yet, we recommend looking for courses from the year before. 

The Carl-Benz-School /International Department is offering an international Bachelor study program in English at the Department of Mechanical Engineering with restricted admission. Please be aware that the participation in this English-taught program (courses starting with the number 3xxxx in our courses catalogues) only offers limited access to exchange students. 

Please note that English is not spoken everywhere in Germany and at KIT. Thus, participation in the pre-semester German course offered at KIT is highly recommended to all applicants, who don’t have any/sufficient German language proficiency. 

The following departments at KIT allow international students to study completely in English: 

  • Department of Architecture (ARCH)
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences (BGU)
  • Department of Chemical and Process Engineering (CIW)
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT)
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering (MACH)
  • Department of Economics and Management (WIWI)

The Department of Chemistry and Biosciences (CHEM-BIO) and Department of Informatics (INFO) require applicants to have: 

  • a B1 CEFR level of German language certificate (mandatory requirement) and additionally 
  • a B2 CEFR level of English language certificate only if courses taught in English will be attended 

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (GEIST-SOZ), Department of Mathematics (MATH) and Department of Physics (PHY) require applicants to have: 

  • an A2/B1 CEFR level of German language certificate (mandatory requirement) and additionally 
  • a B2 CEFR level of English language certificate only if courses taught in English will be attended. 

The Department of Chemistry and Biosciences (CHEM-BIO) requires applicants to have: 

  • a C1 CEFR level of German language certificate if courses taught in German will be attended or 
  • B2/C1 CEFR level of English language certificate if courses taught in English will be attended. 

KIT reserves rooms for students from partner universities in students’ residences if possible. Students need to apply for them. Rooms are not assigned automatically. These furnished single rooms cost €250-300 and have a set lease period from September to February and/or March to August. No other moving in/out date is possible. Students will be informed about housing possibilities and application procedure within 8 weeks of the application deadline. 

Karlsruhe palace
credit: TMBW, Foto: Achim Mende
Karlsruhe cafe
credit: TMBW, Foto: Achim Mende
Karlsruhe bicycles
credit: TMBW, Foto: Christoph Düpper
Derek Holmgren
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